Friday 28 March 2014

Perks to Traffic

Central planners such as the politicians often oversee the issue of congestion and concentrate activities in already congested areas, thereby overcrowding the CBD. According to a blog by Trinbago Views, not being the subject fully to the negative effects of traffic means that they have the upper hand to afforded perks that the ordinary citizen does not enjoy. 

Perks including: the Priority Bus Route (PBR), Priority Parking Privileges, Security escort through traffic, Flexible office hours, Helicopters, Government Living accommodation in the city and free gasoline. This gages such members of society to be privileged with the function of eluding the stress and acts of patience during their commute.
Privileged Members of Society receives Perks to Traffic Congestion in Port-of-Spain 
Photo Courtesy: Gopiechand Boodhan

The above photos seek to relate to the concept of perks allocated to superior members of the nation. Police and members of Parliament have no fear of breaking the law as they are seen to be the makers and enforcers of the law. As such, certain privileges are deemed to follow their footsteps, in this case, tire tracks. Clearly there is no adherence to the no-parking sign. Recalling this day, the photo to the top left was taken to show that a police passing another police vehicle parked in a no parking zone did not see that as an issue, as opposed to the ordinary citizen. Secondly, the picture to the right shows that on the day this photo was taken (Wednesday), the meaning of the sign was completely lost. As Dunn states, tax payers are continuously footing the bill for increased benefits for public sector workers. These free gifts should be stopped!


Dunn, Jennifer. Perks for Parking Tickets. The Tax Payers Alliance.

TrinbagoViews. 2013. Five Major Causes of Traffic in Trinidad & Tobago: Central Planners Have No Incentive to Solve Traffic Problems.

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