Thursday 27 March 2014

Promotion Promotes Crowd Development

Crowd manipulation is the intentional use of various techniques based on the principle of crowd psychology in order to engage and influence the desires of the crowd to direct its behaviour in a certain manner. 
Take a closer look at the pictures shown. 

Rush for Umbrellas on a rainy day in Port-of-Spain
Photo Courtesy: Shalisa Ali
Orchard Vibe Promotion attracts city dwellers
Photo Courtesy: Shalisa Ali

I remember that this day, was very overcast and rainy! The weather is one thing that is a major cause for congestion in Port-of-Spain. As the downpour of rain increased, the concentration of people by Excellent Stores increased simultaneously, and when these people realised that they were not going to get anywhere with this rain, they paid a visit to the ‘umbrella man’, buying into their needs. The need for an umbrella caused a rush of people to gather around the one sales person. I’m pretty sure that he made a huge profit just by looking at the amount of umbrellas sold. From the time I stood next to him to the time I left, approximately 12 passers-by stopped and bought an umbrella.

If you take a closer look, you will be able to see the ‘Orchard Vibe’ banner hanging high next to the blue truck. This particular company was promoting its products to the wider public of Port-of-Spain, by sharing free samples. “Typical Trinis love ah free ting” as one would often say. The line-up for a bottle of Orchard Vibe grew long as the crowds rushed towards the barrels filled with cold drinks at City Gate. Young, old, boy, girl, everyone was rushing forth.

Promotions of goods in particular attracts the eye of the passer-by,
Taking a stop to see, what they can get for free.
No matter if they need it or not,
They take it, else it would ‘hutt.


Reicher, S. (1987). Crowd behaviour as social action. In Turner, J., Hogg, M., Oakes, P.,
Reicher, S., & Wetherell, M.. Rediscovering the social group: A self-categorization theory. Oxford: Blackwell.

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